Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2009-19

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News of Spirit this morning from UQROP

You are familiar with Spirit, the famous female peregrine falcon who was seen for many years in Montreal? You know that she was found injured last July and that we are caring for her? She will be released on the morning of Sunday, November 19 at Chouette à voir! at St-Jude around 9:30 a.m. An auction has been opened. The person who has made the highest bid (to cover the cost of her care) will have the chance to return her to freedom. Follow the news on this page in the next few days and you will learn more of her story.


I am very happy that Spirit has made such a good recovery, but also very concerned about what will happen when she returns to Montreal, as I believe she will. Eve is there, and she is big, young and very strong.

Wow! It’s wonderful to read that Spirit’s condition has greatly improved … thank you so much for the update, Alison!

A new update on Spirit from Fritz Fritschi; I translated it from the French.

Spirit is truly one of a kind.

I had the opportunity to participate in the distribution of her meal during my trip to Chouette à Voir on September 15. She was perched in her private flight enclosure and she attacked her daily meal, which consisted of chickens. She looks very much in shape and has a good appetite, since there was nothing left of her meal from the day before. I had the opportunity to see her again on September 26, during another visit. Still with a voracious appetite. On Sunday, October 8, the same thing. One would very much like to see the staff introduce her into the large flight enclosure, in order to provide her with all the space necessary to properly assess her recovery. I believe that the future is promising. This particular Spirit has very much earned her name. An avian example of resilience if there ever was one.


--- Quote from: bev. on October 10, 2017, 18:09 ---my fingers are crossed for Spirit. I love this gal.

--- End quote ---

Bev, I'm also crossing my fingers for Spirit. She’s been through many difficult times.

my fingers are crossed for Spirit. I love this gal.


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