Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2009-19

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Update from Eve posted on BCAW - Eve is not well and was removed for treatment today!  Talons crossed she gets better!  And wow Horus fledges on Day 37...you go boy!

Hi all !
Since yesterday Eve has not been well at all. She was lying down all the time and refused to eat this morning. No wing flapping, nothing. So we captured her this afternoon and I took her to the vet, we will know more about her condition tomorrow. Meanwhile, Horus did his first flight, he flew very well ! He's now on a roof below and seems in very good shape. You can see photos of Eve on my blog :

I will keep you posted on Eve's condition when I know more!


Their fledge watch starts Thursday. Horus is already outside the box and looking great. Eve is still inside nd so she should be

There are some very good photos that you can watch as a slideshow on BCAW of the banding, capture, actual banding and putting the chicks back in the nest box. The parent(s) were very aggressive as you can see from the pictures. The banders went out in full gear which apparently is due to asbestos at this site. They didn't do this last year but apparently were made to do it this year. The link is as follows and it is the 3rd posting down:

Elaine L:
Boy, what a difference a few days makes!  These two chicks are much darker now, and very sturdy on their feet.  I have noticed that since the banding last week, mom hardly every leaves the nestbox site; I am sure she is thinking that there is no way they are going to disappear again if she keeps a very close eye on them!

Many thanks for the pics and slideshow, Bev!

The chicks were looking very well fed today, and making a lot of noise.

Horus (on the left in the first pic) has the yellow band, while Eve has the red band:


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