Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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Elaine L:
Falcon is back at the nestbox - still cannot read his/her bands.  I believe it is the female, though, judging by the size.

thanks for the information Tracy..
I need all the help I can get. :) :)

The Peregrine Chick:
Okay Bev, from those photos, you have a solid black band with a bisecting line - not many of those used I don't think, or at least we didn't use many of them.  Top number/letter looks to be horizontal (image 3 in your photo album).  Bottom number/letter has too much of a glare on it, can't tell if horizontal or vertical I'm afraid.

So here's some unsolicited advice, ignore the line in the middle and look for shapes, rather than trying to immediately identifying a letter or number.  Some horizontal numbers/letters aren't immediately recognizable and bands do go on upside down or the bird is stretching out its leg in a weird way so shapes are easier on your sanity.  Once you see the shapes, it makes it easier to "see" them next time and then it becomes easier to recognize them for what they are.

When photographing or using a scope/binoculars - use a tripod or find a perch where you can brace the unit against something unmoveable or less moveable.  And watch when they are preening, that is the best time for a leg stretch is how most bands are read - that and poop shots (technical term folks) because the feathers are out of the way.  Dennis might have more photographic hints/suggestions, but those are mine.

Final piece of advice, be patient, I have waited days or I catch them in the first few seconds.  Every hour, every day, every year and every location is different.

Good luck!  Keep posting your photos and I'm happy to help out with the "reading" if I can.  And when you think you have a number, let me know, we have some black/bisected bands in our records, and we know some Manitoba birds like Alberta!!

some picutres for you

The biologists want me to try and get band but so far no luck . I have given you a  few head shots also

thumbnails so click on picture


It will be great to have you aboard here. You see so much more than we ever would. Your cam is watched world wide and they are very excited about the return of one peregrine so far. But no transmitter ones so far

the transmitter on the female failed early in migration.


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