Thanks goodness SGB from BCATW got pictures of the 2 falcons at nest box tonight because what a day.
There were 3 falcons there this afternoon and a fight . But I am wondering if a juvenile entered the space because it was not brutal, like some fights can be. There was talon touching and a few air hits ,then a chase east, until we could see no more. There was few more air hits, but as far as we could see no one was injured. We first saw two soaring over the building just south of box and then the swooping and talon touching. the 3rd falocn landed on the roof of building just south of nest box while the 2 went at it. Then all 3 took off north and then two went east. One chasing the other. Hopefully no one was hurt. they went beyond our sight range. One came back and just soared way out,patrolling I think.
So we drove ,north a bit, and saw a falcon on the top of tower where we used to see one last year. so I believe this one did not do the chasing.
We were there a few hours and no one was at box while we were there. Probably patrolling. It was cold and windy. Hope fully that will be the end of the fighting. We still have the transmitter male on his way.
Lots of hawks out there also. We could not catch the fighting on camera because it was too far for the camera. It would have been dots. We were following with our binoculars. Of course, me being the fool I am, was saying loudly, fly away fast . Get going and please stay away.

What a nutcase I am

this is where nest box is.