I was out at the site about the time you saw her wings Carly. I was there about 5:00 edmonton time. when I saw her flapping I was just spellbound. Her wings are vast.
Just to let you know that she is not alone. One of the parents is usually on a different part of the building. what I will try and do tomorrow is give you a picture of the building and show you where I have found the parents perched. when you see her look left they stand guard there.
when we got there mom was facing backwards on another part of the building and our girl was wing flapping.
Then Cassie went back inside and Mom flew off and I ran after her and found where she was this time. I spotted her on a building they like , on a balcony eating. (I wish I were living in that building). Dad must have dropped off food there. We saw her turn and look that way before she flew off
Cassie can see them when they are over there . Then dad came and roosted where mom had been , guarding Cassie.
We could not see Cassie when we left but we could hear her.
My she has just changed again over night . what a beauty.
To answer a question, she should fledge at about 50 days but anytime between 45 and 50. males fledge earlier than females . The young female last year fledged at 50 days. Helen said that if there were siblings she may try sooner but when they are alone they are not as curious. YOu want to go where your siblings are.
I will have to borrow my son-in-laws camera again as mine takes just wee pictures.
I will be on guard as of next weekend. I will be watching very carefully.
I was out most of the day so this is all I have . sorry. You can see her changes though.