This morning, mom did some prep work on the food..couldn't see because she had her back to me but then she put the piece in the box for her and Cassie self fed.
I missed the hissy fit because I was on the subway coming home but I"m not surprised. This is about the time they will feed her less and fly by with food to see if they can entice her off the ledge. That doesn't mean she will go but they will try.
With ours here mom and dad would feed them once in the morning but just a small piece and then they'd do fly bys with food to see if they would take the bait. Then if by 7 pm or so they hadn't, they'd come in with a bigger meal to calm them down and prevent them from fledging in the evening. I notice they would do that if rain was coming also - they really are very intelligent birds aren't they? They seem to plan and control ,to the best of their ability, when it's safest for the young ones to try.
This phase is always the hardest I find because they want mom and food and of course mom wants to train her to fly. That being said, she's feeding quiet well now on her own and I've seen mom feed her a few times still but she will do a few bites and then let her go on her own. I remember week before last when she first started with the food drop offs and Cassie would throw a fit but look at her now! Like a child, they stamp their feet but eventually they come around