Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 177604 times)

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Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1039 on: August 12, 2008, 15:04 »
I keep getting timed out ??? ???

I will do this again. I went right down when I saw you were worried Carly. I  had an appointment so could only stay a half hour.
I saw an adult on the roof of the jut out in the building but no sign of Cassie.  that does not mean she was not there.  It usually takes a while to find her.  I foound a way back  to where she was last night and no sign but it was a safe spot . It was about 8 floors down form the roof where she has been for 2 days. Even if I had known to go there last night I would not have as I do not want to spook her or the adults.

I will go back at 3:00 rain or shine as if she is hungry she will cack :) :) and i will hear her.  (I hope)  Maybe she is back on the roof again.

I wanted to post the shots form her last night but I cannot get them downloaded. So I will post thumbnails from sundry morning. They are small but we took them from the roof. I should have known to be closer but It was a better place to see where they all were and that is more important.  the pictures are of her cat walking and flapping . My birdman ;) is included in the shots. He was doing a coffee run.

I will post Sunday  afternoons tonight.

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1038 on: August 12, 2008, 13:44 »
2:43 pm and mom is back on the bars at the nest box...I wonder if she's trying to show Cassie how to come back home  :D

Offline JL

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1037 on: August 12, 2008, 13:29 »
Radisson is back perched on the nestbox bar.  She so pretty, like mother, like daughter.   ;D

Offline ballywing

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1036 on: August 12, 2008, 12:12 »
Just adding my 2 cents to all your 'kudos' Bev, Thanks for keeping us in the picture SO well! I think you are the 'Tracy' of Edmonton!  ;D - Seems Cassie is doing really well, Princess & Trey's bloodline ROCKS!!  :P

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1035 on: August 12, 2008, 10:43 »
I'm sure Cassie is okay for her to be looking down; otherwise she'd be down with her.   ;D

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1034 on: August 12, 2008, 10:35 »
Wish she'd stop looking down, it's making me nervous!

Offline JL

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1033 on: August 12, 2008, 10:27 »
I think it's Mom hanging out on the bar of the nestbox right now.   :)

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1032 on: August 12, 2008, 10:26 »
11:25 am and parent just landed at nestbox...not sure if it's mom or dad!  They're sitting on the bars outside looking into the box!

Offline maggieblue

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1031 on: August 12, 2008, 09:30 »
Thank you so much Bev for the descriptions and the pictures.  It is wonderful that you got to see her fly 8)

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1030 on: August 12, 2008, 07:05 »
The area where she is is pretty protected.  She was on a ledge(not too wide , before I left. She is between two buildings so I think if it got too windy she would even be O.K. if she can  hang onto the ledge. there was a roof not too far from her that she could drop to if she needed to.(but I am trying to think peregrine :) :) that is why I wanted to find her last night because I anted to make sure she was  In a good spot.  the biologist thinks she is. 

It looks like it is socked in here and I have an appointment at 11:00 but I will still try and get down there and see what I can see sometime today.
 just 2 pictures . I am try8ng to make a slide show but I need more shut eye . Just got up to check the weather.  I just thought , Bev, why did you not take a picture from the roof so everyone could see where she was last night .  I am so sorry.  I guess mind not working.
I am posting a shot that will sort of show you where she is .


the new building the parents are on

Where the arrow is , there is a space and an old hospital building and she is at about that level , just in a bit on a ledge. Will try and download the picture I did take after. I apologize fro being so slow.  My husband is the one with the real skills. I am just a flunky

« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 07:22 by bev. »

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1029 on: August 12, 2008, 06:55 »
Well I'm at work now, watched the weather before I left for Edmonton. 15-20 mm of rain expected there  :(.  I hope our girl has a roof over her head of some sort.  I've got the nestbox up on my desktop this morning just in case she decided to try to head for shelter from the rain.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1028 on: August 12, 2008, 05:00 »
Thanks for the report Bev, good to hear she was safe and sound for the night.  If they fly too low, mom and dad will try to get them up higher.  No doubt they felt she was in a safe area and they could watch over her so that's good.  It takes a few flights to develop those muscles and once she does, she'll be able to fly higher and longer. 

She's doing good so far!! That's our girl  :D

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1027 on: August 12, 2008, 00:10 »
I am really trying to get the pictures done guys.  i am tired and I have to transfer everything to photo bucket. they will not be close up shots but it will give you an idea of what she is doing.
WE did not set the settings properly.

Offline Alison

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1026 on: August 11, 2008, 23:29 »
Thank you so much for tonight's report, Bev. I am glad Cassie is somewhere safe for the night, and that you have seen her fly. She seems to be taking her time, which is good. I miss seeing her at the nest box.

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1025 on: August 11, 2008, 23:16 »
I am going to go and do some pictures but I wanted to report my evening to you.

I went down there with  a friend,.  I had to wait till she was ready and so was there at 5:30. 
Well no sign of Cassie , no cacking, nothing.  I thought I heard her faintly a few times but thought, wishful thinking.  I saw an adult on the top of the new apartment building and thought , she has moved.  I looked all over  the area and looked behind where I  thought they would take her.

I was getting worried becasue that is  who I am.  I  looked at all the places she could fly around the area and knew if she flew to any of them she could make it because they were not far.
I knew that she had not flown where the parents roost because that is too far and no adults were  not there. the adults have been very attentive.

so at 7:30 we decided to walk by the parents buildings just in case she tried to fly  there and was grounded. no adults , no Cassie

the adult had flown off the other building and I did not see it and was mad at myself.
so I went up to the top of the parkade where Peter and I went yesterday and looked all over and there was CAssie. :-* :-*  The little monkey was between the right side of the nest building and one of the hospital buildings . Quite close in there . That building is about two thirds the height of the nest building and she was one storey down, on a ledge. the she started cat walking further in and then came back. 

Now I was not sure how low , low was for falcons so I phoned my friendly biologist and described where she  was and he assured me she was doing well.  I had sent them an e-mail today so they knew she had fledged and he said she is doing very well. He said the ground is too low. ;) ;) I asked him  how she could have gotten there.  He said she probably flew to a roof and then flew down.  By the way they are taking her where we thought they would. she was just lower down than I expected.

so I decided at 8:00 to call it a night.As we were driving out of the parkade I thought I saw the adult.  sure enough I stopped on the road and could see the building at the back and the adult was a storey higher and watching over Cassie.  Now I can sleep tonight.
I will have to send the biologist some show tickets after this is over for being so patient with me.  He used to coach my girls in swimming so he knows that I am not a kook. :) :)

I treated my friend and I to some appetizers and now just got home.

I will post a few pictures from yesterday  as soon as they are done.