Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

Smiley Tower - 2009 / Terminator & Roosevelt

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: BirdLover on July 04, 2009, 11:44 ---Ya gotta love those Manitoba birds !!!
TPC tell me you are not just pulling this info out of your head, you actually have it written down somewhere, RIGHT  ???

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I have written down in lots of places  ;)


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on July 04, 2009, 09:24 ---I can check on Bear and Roosevelt for the connection this evening, but Terminator is related through Zeus (from Brandon - and still there) then Phoebe (from the Radisson) then Maud (from Minneapolis) who was MF-1's chick.  Hurricane is through Trey (from the Radisson - and still there) then T-Rex (from the Radisson) then Maud (from Minneapolis) who was MF-1's.    I think that Madame who was Trey's mom (and Hurricane's grand mom) may also be related to MF-1, but will check that this evening as well ...

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Thank you for the very interesting information, TPC!

Ya gotta love those Manitoba birds !!!
TPC tell me you are not just pulling this info out of your head, you actually have it written down somewhere, RIGHT  ???

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Alison on July 04, 2009, 00:33 ---
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 29, 2009, 19:40 ---All four peregrines - Bear, Roosevelt, Terminator and Hurricane - can also track their family trees back to the famous female (and very fertile), MF-1, who nested in Minneapolis from 1987 to 1994.
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How are they related to MF-1? I know she was one of Bob Anderson's falcons, the mother of the legendary Mae, who nested at the King Plant from 1990 to 2004. Mae herself raised 37 babies.

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I can check on Bear and Roosevelt for the connection this evening, but Terminator is related through Zeus (from Brandon - and still there) then Phoebe (from the Radisson) then Maud (from Minneapolis) who was MF-1's chick.  Hurricane is through Trey (from the Radisson - and still there) then T-Rex (from the Radisson) then Maud (from Minneapolis) who was MF-1's.    I think that Madame who was Trey's mom (and Hurricane's grand mom) may also be related to MF-1, but will check that this evening as well ...


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 29, 2009, 19:40 ---All four peregrines - Bear, Roosevelt, Terminator and Hurricane - can also track their family trees back to the famous female (and very fertile), MF-1, who nested in Minneapolis from 1987 to 1994.
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How are they related to MF-1? I know she was one of Bob Anderson's falcons, the mother of the legendary Mae, who nested at the King Plant from 1990 to 2004. Mae herself raised 37 babies.


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