Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Smiley Tower - 2009 / Terminator & Roosevelt
--- Quote from: Loriann on August 04, 2009, 05:35 ---Wingdemonium ! that word needs to be added to the dictionary ! ( the excitement shown when a parent flys by with food !)
--- End quote ---
Well, ya better add it Loriann!!
Wingdemonium ! that word needs to be added to the dictionary ! ( the excitement shown when a parent flys by with food !)
Great photos TPC, very sorry Ethel didn't make it :'(
The Peregrine Chick:
Check out their photo gallery for more shots of Terminator, Roosevelt and their kids ....
Grand Forks Smiley Tower Photo Gallery
The Peregrine Chick:
Here's an update from July 27th from Dave down in Grand Forks ....
Two of our young birds, Smiley and Alice, are doing well. They have been flying over a week. However last night I was informed that there was a dead falcon in the railroad yard. It turned out to be Ethel who had red/black band with 15 and A. I don't have her USFWS band number. She probably was electrocuted as she was found under a utility pole.
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