Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

Smiley Tower - 2009 / Terminator & Roosevelt

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Love the comment "I take it they are home schooled?"

Well well well...look at me!  Beautiful and bright white!

Thank you for the update on the chicks, TPC! Well done, Roosevelt and Terminator!

There is an article in the Grand Forks Herald today on the banding:

Alice at banding: photo by Eric Hylden.

GREAT NEWS!!  Way to go Terminator and Roosevelt!

The Peregrine Chick:
Update from Grand Forks ...

The banding of peregrines went well today. There were three very lively chicks, approximately 20 days old. The boy was named "Smiley", after a recent suggestion from Ron Fischer. The two girls were named Alice and Ethyl. This is because there dad is named Roosevelt, and President Theodore Roosevelt had daughters with those names.
Roosevelt is a 2-year-old male from Fargo. Terminator is a 3 year-old female from Brandon, MB.
The tag numbers are: Smiley, W/63 on black over green; Ethyl is 15/K, black/red; and alice is 16/K, black/red.


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