Well, guys I am back
It did not go as we thought it would. Did say we have stress free bandings.

When I got there was a whole group of people already and they just kept coming.
Poor Gord ,when he got off the elevator, looked shocked
We do not know who notified the press but man oh man.
won't go into that right now but Peter will download the pictures I could get when he gets home.
the T.V. cameras kept pushing me away . I finally got up front. It was difficult for our bander as he kept getting shoved in the back with a camera. I had to let him put on the tape as I had no room. There were a couple of nice reporters.
I will write up my report with Pictures later.
But we have 3 males and 1 female . Hopefully tape stays on as it was hard to do with such cramped quarters
Female-07 Black tape I will not name them but will call this one Froona (in her honor)
male - 96 Red tape
male - 81 White tape
male - 85 yellow tape