I finally finished my slide show. I put start and end this time so you know.
what a day!!!Lots of unexpected guests but we made do anyway. I guess it is good to get the birds out there.
Christine from Fish and wildlife was there. She was in the green jacket. Gord did some PR and I forget the name of the bander. We met last year but memory is dim .
When I finally managed to get where the chicks were , I was in awe of them.

Radisson and Damon circled and cacked up a storm. RAdisson finally went over to the heart building and perched and cacked from there, while Damon continually made passes. Even though I know the chicks and adults were a bit stressed , the flying was superb to watch.
The chicks were only 19 days old but the bander could tell the sexes. They are well fed kids.
The females legs were so much bigger that it was a no brainer. it is harder to see this in the box.
The poor souls made a lot of noise but Froona was the feistiest.(white tape)
I only named her, in honor of our dear friend from the Netherlands, who passed away this year.
She was very mobile. I had to move the banding tools a few times . I was afraid she would hurt herself. She fell over once and I tried to help her out. She just told me in no uncertain terms what to do

Since we only thought there would be 4 or 5 of us (we were very crowded) which made it hard for the bander.
I was supposed to put the tape on after the bands were on the chicks but I could not get any room. So I tore off the tape and the bander did it.
It is electrical tape and hopefully it will stay on.
I had to do a few surprise interviews . Not my fortier but Gord thought it would be good to get another perspective.
We put the chicks back as soon as we could but since we were still on the roof, Damon continued to circle. Gord finally moved everyone inside.
These guys always amaze and fascinate me.
when I left Radisson and Damon were side by side on the heart building
I know a few were worried but remember they are never far away.
Now in a few weeks the fun begins.

Click on the word start