We must have just missed the female raven going into the nest, then. That is why the falcons took off. the ravens were gone at the time.
I thought I saw a raven in the box during the flybys. but when I looked when we left I could not see anything.
I feel bad if there are eggs but there is lots of time left for them to build a nest and have more. I saw a big Raven , maybe the male, trying to claim a nest in a big tree at Corbett Hall,behind the parkade. Maybe it is the male here and he is looking for a new nest. I hope so.
Peter said to say , the falcons were going on a supper date

I will e-mail you again Eli , when we are going down there. I would love to show you all the spots they hang out at. I am sure Wayne filled you in.
I am out to supper at 5 tomorrow. My daughter is cooking. I am out to church in the morning also. so I am going to miss some things. Keep your eyes peeled.
I will try and talk Peter into going there before supper. No promises though. I need to live down there.

I am off to get some photos now. Be back in a bit
Happy Easter everyone.