Well we came out of supper as I said and there was a falcon calling and flying around by the clinical Science building. I thought it must be the female. But wait , I see another falcon on the back corner of the new hospital. We are up the street from the nest box, but can see it and the back part of the new hospital
Could it be???Yes, I believe dad is back. Now I will have to read all the posts to see if there were any flybys at this time(about 6:35 Edmonton time.
Now I am mad that i ate.

Peter was starved though.
so we watch the falcon on the back of hospital and can see nothing by nest box. The falcon is eating.
Then the other falocn flies over and lands on dads tower. Yes, this must be the male. I am so excited, but apprehensive also.
WE walked all the way over to clinical science building and had to go around the corner a bit and there was the female .She can see the nest box from where she is. She looks great.
Then I looked over on another lower building to her left and there is a Raven. I looked over and dad is gone. Mom gives a few calls and the RAven makes about 2 calls and is gone.
So silly us think that the ravens must have been chased off.
Peter and I went back up to to the parkade and saw nothing.
We went back down and mom was still in her spot so we decided to look for the male.
He was not in his sleep quarters, so as we decide to head home , I look over to the clinical science building and there is the male. He is on the far corner facing the parkade. Must be watching for ravens , I t hought. Mom was still in her spot.
So we drove over to the clinical science building and parked illegally and there are both falcons, soaring like they have no cares in the world.
No ravens in sight, but mom and dad are comfortable. I would be very surprised if this was not last years pair. They were in the same spots as last year and were so comfortable together. they flew out of view.
We knew we would have to leave as I would not know if anything was in the box till I got home.
So we have both falcons back

Round one , who knows. The falcons seem to be bidding their time.
I feel for the raven inside, because I think the falcons are watching. I feel better that there are 2 falcons. I saw no attacks by the raven. It was not even around before we went to supper.
I am guessing the male returned some time between 5:45 and 6:35, as that is when we were at supper.
so guys keep your eyes peeled. the female will have to leave there sometime. I do not think the falcons are too worried, as of yet. I think if the female leaves , they will not hurt her. they did not hurt the other raven, that I saw anyway.
Now I will see what I have for pictures.
sorry I took so long, but I could not leave.