Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 347487 times)

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Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #496 on: April 11, 2009, 21:46 »
Bev...we love you!!!

Great updates and this news that both falcons are back in wonderful!!!!!

There were no fly by's, that we could see anyway, at the 6:35 pm Edmonton time.

They both did leave the nestbox and no one, meaning the falcons, came into the who knows. 

I'm very happy that there were no disputes guess is that the falcons just want to get food, rest and get re-acquainted  :-*:P

Good news all around! 

Lets hope that all is quiet tonight...

Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #495 on: April 11, 2009, 21:44 »
I just returned from the Clinical Sciences Building (8:15 p.m. Alberta time).  Just after I arrived, the female raven flew into the nestbox; no sign of her mate.  One falcon eventually flew over and headed towards Windsor Park Highrise, where he/she can get a good view of the nest site.  The falcon stayed at this spot, and was still there when I left.

Bev, somehow we missed each other at the site.  I stayed on the ground because I had my dogs with me (on my way later to off-leash).  

While watching, I met a fellow who lives on the top floor of Windsor Park, and he said that two falcons arrived here, one yesterday and one today; he also said they are both out to kill the ravens when they get the opportunity, and the male raven almost got killed by one of the falcons in a fly-by this morning.  Also, he mentioned your name in regards to the falcon, and knows you and your husband.  He had alot of information on birds in the area and the falcons in particular, because from his apartment, on the top floor of Windsor Park, he sees everything.

I do not think we have to worry about the falcons - all they have to do is bide their time, go hunting and eating when they have to, look for an opportunity to attack, and wait it out; the female raven has to leave the nest to eat, and the male has to protect her at the risk of his own life.  

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #494 on: April 11, 2009, 21:42 »
Well now time will tell what this story is to end like. Hopefully all for the good. Glad to hear Dad was back.

Bev you have nothing to apologize for we know it takes time to check things out much less run back to the computer and update all us Phanatics!

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #493 on: April 11, 2009, 21:40 »
She may have taken a break..see her name vanished.  Poor girl probably needs to eat something or have a nice drink of something!  Oh wait she's!

I am off to bed but I will be up at the crack of dawn to watch, I'm bleary eyed ...hopefully things should be quiet now.  Falcons don't muck around after dark...let's hope Dad arrives home tomorrow!!

Dad's back too??!!@  Woohoo..oh now I am really relieved!!  They will take care of each other!! 
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 21:51 by carly »

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #492 on: April 11, 2009, 21:38 »
Well we came out of supper as I said and there was  a falcon calling and flying around by the clinical Science building. I thought it must be the female. But wait , I see another falcon on the back corner of the new hospital. We are up the street from the nest box, but can see it and the back part of the new hospital

Could it be???Yes, I believe dad is back. Now I will have to read all the posts to see if there were any flybys at this time(about 6:35 Edmonton time.
Now I am mad that i ate.  ;D ;D Peter was starved though.

 so   we watch the falcon   on the back of hospital and can see nothing by nest box. The falcon is eating.

Then the other falocn flies over  and lands on dads tower. Yes, this must be the male.  I am so excited, but apprehensive also.  

WE walked all the way over to clinical science building and had to go around the corner a bit and there  was the female .She can see the nest box  from where she is. She looks great.

Then I looked over  on another lower building  to her left and there is a Raven. I looked over and dad is gone.  Mom gives a few calls and the RAven makes about 2 calls and is gone.

So silly us think that the ravens must have been chased off.

Peter and I  went back up to to the parkade and saw nothing.
We  went back down and mom  was still in her spot so we decided to look for the male.
He was not in his sleep quarters, so as we decide to head home , I look over to the clinical science building and there is the male. He is on the far corner facing the  parkade. Must be watching  for ravens , I t hought. Mom  was still in her spot.
So we  drove over to the clinical science building and parked illegally and there are both falcons, soaring like they have no cares in the world.  

No ravens in sight, but  mom and dad are  comfortable.  I would be very surprised if this was not last years pair. They were in the same spots as last year and were so comfortable together. they flew out of view.
We knew we would have to leave as I would not know if anything was in the box till I got home.

So we have both falcons back :) :) Round one , who knows. The falcons seem to be bidding their time.

I feel for the raven inside, because I think the falcons are watching.  I feel better that there are 2  falcons. I saw no attacks by the raven.  It was not even around before we went to supper.

I am guessing the male returned some time between 5:45 and 6:35, as that is when we were at supper.
so guys keep your eyes peeled. the female will have to leave there sometime. I do not think the falcons are too worried, as of yet.  I think if the female leaves , they will not hurt her. they did not hurt the other raven, that I saw anyway.

Now I will see what I have for pictures.
sorry I took so long, but I could not leave.

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #491 on: April 11, 2009, 21:36 »
lol okay patiently we are waiting la la la lala
And more la la la lalala and la la la la..
sorry bev...are we putting pressure on you?

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #490 on: April 11, 2009, 21:34 »
lol okay patiently we are waiting la la la lala

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #489 on: April 11, 2009, 21:33 »
Oops....sorry TPC.
That's my mistake as I questioned Eagle....
We'll just wait patiently  ;)

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #488 on: April 11, 2009, 21:30 »
Yes it was in Elk River, (sorry Tracy little side tracked here while we wait for Bev to post her second post)

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #487 on: April 11, 2009, 21:28 »
Awwwww allikat I wish you could have seen it :(
which site...Elk River?

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #486 on: April 11, 2009, 21:27 »
Awwwww allikat I wish you could have seen it :(

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #485 on: April 11, 2009, 21:26 »
You miss the drama Eagle and I miss the egg being laid :(

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #484 on: April 11, 2009, 21:22 »
To say the least Allikat. The one day I am out an about and it all happens! But at least I got to see an egg laid today, that was way cool!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 21:24 by eagle63_1999 »

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #483 on: April 11, 2009, 21:19 » too, I'm exhausted but was so worried about our girl and what was going on there!  Thank you, thank you, thank you Bev!!  I wouldn't have been able to rest at all not knowing!

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #482 on: April 11, 2009, 21:19 »
It was certainly a day of drama  ::)