Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 347714 times)

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Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #586 on: April 13, 2009, 18:03 »
Bev, was the male raven hurt, or could you tell?  I left just before all this happened, and I know I would also have been upset to see this attack.  They have eggs, so I sure they will not give up, which means a fight - this is so tragic.

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #585 on: April 13, 2009, 17:19 »
well I have something to report also.
thanks for the report Eli. I am going to pm  you  later.
Peter and I got there at  about 1:30.

We went down by the clinical science building and as we were walking we heard music to my ears. the falcons.  I am not sure which one we saw.  But it buzzed the nest box a few times and then flew over the Heart building.
Peter and I proceeded to that area and there were the 2 falcons behind the Heart building, soaring so beautifully.  They seemed to be just enjoying the air and reacquainting themselves with the area.

We watched and watched and then one went out east and then north of the nest box and out of sight.

The other one , however, continued to soar over the heart building and then way behind the clinical science.
So we decided to head up to the parkade.

I was just in time to see the end of the attack. Peter saw the whole thing.  The falcon attacked the male raven as it came into the area. The raven slammed into the side of the clinical science building but the ledge saved it. It stayed there as the falcon continued to swoop.  
But the falcon could not get at it.  Then the raven went right onto the side of the white structure and stayed there while the female raven used the platform of the white structure to hop into the nest .

The male raven stayed there until the falcon left. The falcon just soared in the sky and then it also went out to the east and north of the nest box.

I do not know why they do not both attack. Do not get me wrong. I want no one hurt and I was just about  we----- myself during the attack.

When the male raven thought it was safe it flew to the jut if the clinical science building .

It stayed on guard for quite awhile.

We stayed around the area for 2 ;;hours and then it started to rain.

ABout 3:00 Edmonton time I saw the male raven fly off to the west. Peter watched the box while I  followed the male. I was right on Saturday.  He likes a tall spruce tree behind the parkade (Corbet hall area) It had found a peanut .  The magpies were watching it carefully.  Shortly after it flew back to the jut of clinical science building and then over our heads. You are right , I  was clapping ;D ;D
It must have anxious that the falcons were to come back. It sat on the top of the red extension building and then flew to the ledge below nest box and then to corner of Heart building, and then below to area where Cassie fledged too low last year(and they put her back). then back to the heart building.
It started to rain and we had to leave :( but may go back this evening).  At about 3:35pm the female raven flew out of the box and joined the male and they soared very low over heart building.

Now what I can tell you is that this will have to be an aerial fight, and i am nervous.  I really do not think the falcons will give up this site , as of yet. he male has been here a long time. and it is a good sight.The one biologist I know just seems to think that the falcons are just getting settled in. They are familiarizing themselves with the area.
Because we are who we are, we want no harm to come to anyone, but I do want to see my falcons.

By the way , that big tree is a great one to build a nest , if they have to.

It was so strange to not see the male raven in the area on Saturday, except behind the parkade. Now he has been warned.  

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #584 on: April 13, 2009, 17:10 »
I hear ya!

Offline ballywing

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #583 on: April 13, 2009, 16:44 »
Very true, I guess like anything, or anyone - they're nothing special until you get to know them, then they take on personalities, we name them, watch their habits,  and 'voila' - we have cute!!  ;D - (But still somewhat the 'villains' for stealing our falcons apartment!  :(

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #582 on: April 13, 2009, 16:31 »
Lol..birdcam!  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess, I mean more in their behaviour.  Seriously, you see the way he escorts her everywhere and dotes on her..I mean really..he's just the perfect mate!!

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #581 on: April 13, 2009, 16:16 »
I'm glad someone thinks they are a cute couple. I've kept my yap shut up to now, but I think they are kind of ugly. Industrious, but not cute.

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #580 on: April 13, 2009, 15:42 »
Thanks for your report Eli.  I dont' recall Bev ever mentioning an alternate nest site at the location?  You know like Princess and Trey have - even tho we don't like the nest ledge, at least they do have an alternate location to choose from.  Maybe there is somewhere they hang out to court and to eat that is not visible to us but might be a good location for a nest site. 

I have read that in the wild ravens and falcons often nest near each other so it wouldn't be unusual.  I do want to see Radisson and dad back but not if it means the death of George and Weezie, they are such a cute couple - be a shame to see anything happen to him and her all alone with eggs.  Who knows, they may just surprise us!  Probably I'm humanizing their decision making process but hey a person can always hope!
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 15:46 by carly »

Offline ballywing

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #579 on: April 13, 2009, 15:30 »
I wonder if the falcons will just say 'Hmph, somebody beat us to that condo, lets go find another one'... ??? - somehow I doubt it? I want to see falcons, but seems the ravens really need that nest right now......sigh....don't know what to think or hope for!!  :-\

Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #578 on: April 13, 2009, 15:19 »
I just got back from the nest site.  When I arrived, the falcons were nowhere to be seen, and neither were the ravens.  But about 10 minutes later, the female raven arrived with her mate again riding shotgun right beside her, and she settled into the nest.  He flew over to the building right across from the nest site (the Heart Institute), where he could keep an eye on his mate.  He seemed to settle into a crevasse on top of this building, as I could not see him, but then he decided, in the absence of the falcons, to sit on the ledge in order to keep a better eye on the nest box; and he was smart, as he constantly watched the skies, looking for the falcons; eventually he settled back into his little spot where he could just barely see over the ledge, but it felt safer to him, I am sure.  Both birds, I've noticed, are flying very close to buildings, and very short distances if possible, because as soon as they are in the open, they are vulnerable.  The whole time I was there, no falcons, so I assume they are biding their time, going off to eat, relax, and recover from their long journey, while of course the ravens have to be constantly on guard, and have hardly any chances to get out and eat; mind you, they somehow found the time to get another egg on the way, from what I gather.  

I don't know what will happen next - the ravens are smart, courageous, and determined, but also vulnerable, and certainly no match for the falcons.

Offline Loriann

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #577 on: April 13, 2009, 15:06 »
Welcome to "RAVEN-CAM" featuring George and Weezie.  I wonder if they will leave the camera on if they decide to let George and Weezie squat here for the season, or if they will cut the feed.    ???

Offline ballywing

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #576 on: April 13, 2009, 14:55 »
Empty Nest - with TWO eggs now!!  :o - oops, you beat me to it msdoolittle :P

Offline msdolittle

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #575 on: April 13, 2009, 14:36 »
there are two eggs there now

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #574 on: April 13, 2009, 10:31 »
That is good Eli. maybe we will see you there.

I just heard about Mariah from Rochester and am extremely upset. fro me Falcons are all about Mariah . I cannot remember a time without her nesting. I am hoping for a speedy recovery.
I will off the board for a good part today.

Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #573 on: April 13, 2009, 10:28 »
I am going down later this morning - will report back. 

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #572 on: April 13, 2009, 09:04 »
This is indeed strange but I will see what I can see this afternoon.