Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 347885 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #601 on: April 13, 2009, 23:06 »
I'm guessing he attacked by himself because it was their first serious run at it, and the man took over.  It has been so quiet all weekend, it's not like there was a lot of agitation going on.  Weezie managed to lay two eggs.  Just a couple of fly-bys (warnings).  If the raven had stayed up for a fight, she may have joined in.  Or maybe not -- I believe TPC says it's rare that a couple attacks.  More often male v male or fm v fm.  Altho it does seem to be happening more in the concrete jungles that we watch, as opposed to 'in the wild'. 

Its not usual for fights between peregrines to be hands-on between genders - females tend to fight other females, males tend to fight other males.  Not that the other gender doesn't encourage or follow along.  Dennis & I watched Ivy & the West Winnipeg female hare after an interloping female - the females fought but Ivy wasn't "uninvolved" and actually, she came back around before he did so he may have been making sure that the interloper female completely exited the area ...

As for interspecies conflicts - its almost impossible to tell territorial conflicts from predation/predator defence between species.  Apparently peregrine-raven interactions are not consistently one thing or the other.  Raven nests have been used by peregrines (they both nest on cliffs), peregrines have allowed ravens to nest relatively close and peregrines have been "vigourous" in their opposition to ravens in their territories. 

Offline ballywing

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #600 on: April 13, 2009, 22:36 »
 :'( How Sad... :'(

Offline Liz

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #599 on: April 13, 2009, 22:23 »
Very well said, Eli.   :)

Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #598 on: April 13, 2009, 22:05 »
I went down to the nest site just before it got dark, as I could not stand not knowing what happened to the male raven.  I don't know if not knowing is worse than knowing.  I guess I have become quite attached to the ravens, maybe because they are such underdogs in this crisis; the male especially is trying his best to protect his mate, against impossible odds, and ravens are not fighters. 

I saw no sign of the falcons when I arrived, but after about 5 minutes, I saw the male raven; he moved from one area to another at the top of the Clinical Sciences Building, and his wing looked to be injured; it was not sitting right.  He seemed able to fly, at least for a short distance; I don't know if he could manage to go farther or not.  He kept his head up, watching the skies the whole time I was there, and then eventually he laid down and rested his head on the corner of the edge of the building, and he was getting soaked in the rain.  I don't know if ravens normally stay out in the rain.  I hope he was just resting, and not dying. 

I keep telling myself there is nothing I can do, and this is nature, and I think we all know that, but it is very hard, especially after watching this brave male all week, knowing he does not have the predator skills of our friends the falcons.

Offline Liz

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #597 on: April 13, 2009, 21:05 »
Is it just me, or is this raven looking a little frazzled?  It looks like her feathers are sticking out, not wings smoothed down. 

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #596 on: April 13, 2009, 21:04 »
I am not sure that relates to them trying to oust another species of birds. True  that   male peregrine generally does not attack a female peregrine, but I am not sure when  it is peregrines against RAvens.

I will ask my biologists. the peregrines seem to be just acquainting themselves with the territory again.
but the ravens are nervous.

Offline Liz

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #595 on: April 13, 2009, 20:36 »
I'm guessing he attacked by himself because it was their first serious run at it, and the man took over.  It has been so quiet all weekend, it's not like there was a lot of agitation going on.  Weezie managed to lay two eggs.  Just a couple of fly-bys (warnings).  If the raven had stayed up for a fight, she may have joined in.  Or maybe not -- I believe TPC says it's rare that a couple attacks.  More often male v male or fm v fm.  Altho it does seem to be happening more in the concrete jungles that we watch, as opposed to 'in the wild'. 

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #594 on: April 13, 2009, 20:12 »
Oh see... in a spruce tree sounds so soothing!  Can you put a cherry on top of it to entice the ravens to go there or learn to speak raven to encourage them to build there?  :D

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #593 on: April 13, 2009, 20:09 »
He has been pretty cozy in a nice big spruce. maybe I need to give them a nudge. I thought for sure on SAturday, he could start nestbuilding there. It is a perfect spot.

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #592 on: April 13, 2009, 19:11 »
My heart was in my throat when I read your post Bev...
I would of been going crazy and yelling NO NO NO...don't hurt each other...just vocal arguments you guys!

I really didn't want it to come to this...but it looks like the falcons won't give up this nestbox.  I feel very sorry for George as he is the guardian and Weezie won't leave the box as she has eggs to protect.  I get choked up just thinking about. 

I wrote in another thread that sometimes it's hard to be human and humane at the same time.  You wish you could just place the Ravens somewhere else safely in a cozy nest with  her eggs and all would be prefect   ::)

Yeah a perfect world right?  :-[

I just hope George has a little chat with Weezie and says to her...honey, we need to move somewhere safe so we can all get along!  (uh, is that too much ask  :P)

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #591 on: April 13, 2009, 18:39 »
Well we may not know for a few days. Did you see it Eli.
We have a snow advisory out for 10-20 cm of snow by tomorrows end.  :( :(

that is not good. I puts things on hold.

Offline ballywing

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #590 on: April 13, 2009, 18:32 »
this is a real mess!!!!!
You said it exactly right Bev!!  :-\ - No matter what happens, something bad is going to happen to somebody!

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #589 on: April 13, 2009, 18:23 »
The male raven seemed stunned at first. but after he regained himself , I think he is O.K. I thought one of his talons looked injured when he walked, but maybe not.

this is a real mess!!!!!

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #588 on: April 13, 2009, 18:17 »
I'm glad he lived another day, one tragedy per day is enough this week.  Glad to hear both falcons and ravens are safe tonight.

thanks for your report Bev, we appreciate all you do for them and certainly understand your conflict.

Offline ballywing

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Re: U of Alberta - April 2009
« Reply #587 on: April 13, 2009, 18:10 »
Wow, it must have been upsetting to see that attack, my heart was in my throat just reading about it!!!  :o