I just got back from the site and am frozen. Very cold today.
When I got there the female was just getting ready to leave the box and I saw the male fly onto the roof of clinical science building out of view.
The female flew out to the east and the male followed.
I could see them with the binoculars and they were chasing a bird of some kind . I thought at first another falcon(becasue I am paranoid

) But they clipped it and missed. They were on either side of it. I think it was a gull.
They came back and flew towards the Newton apartments and then the female came to roost on the south east corner of the clinical science building.
Eventually the male came back and perched on his tower at the Windsor apartments.
I had to go and warm up but when we came back outside Peter saw a falcon on the north corner of the extension building and we saw feathers flying.
I went up top and could see the male perched and then the female came into sight defeathering and eating. Peter went to the car becasue it was so cold and I stayed up top.
The female ate for quite awhile while the male watched and then the female flew off over the heart building and the male started to eat. He did not stay there long before he flew off with the leftovers in his talons. He flew north to ward the Suite hotel and then turned west, out of sight.
I left and we drove n the car and I spotted one of them on the back of the hospital on one of the towers.
I called it an evening.
I will look and see if any of my pictures are worth placing here. I will have to get my daughters camera for the weekend.
I cannot afford one right now.
EVerything seems to be going well and my fingers are crossed for the next couple of days.