One adult was at the nest this afternoon. I thought the female at this nest was the same one as last year, but according to the Raptor Resource banding report for 2008, she is new.
"Last year’s female, 30/B, nested at Sherco this year, so the female here is new. Interestingly, 30/B tried nesting at Sherco last year, but moved to GRE after her box was destroyed by lightning."A new nest box was installed at Sherco, and last year's Great River female, 30/B, returned to her former nest site. She and her mate had four babies, three females and one male.
I didn't know the names or band number of the chicks at Great River until I read the banding report. The chicks banded were two males and one female. The female, band R/29 b/g, was named Lightning; the first male, band B/89 b/g, was named Bullet; and the second male, band B/90 b/g, was named Chase.