Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel - 2008-21

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Elaine L:
The latest news about the chicks at the Sheraton in Hamilton:

STOP THE PRESS!!! FIRST CHICK TAKES FLIGHT! June 16, 2010 - At 16:20 this afternoon the first chick of 2010 left the Sheraton ledge and flew out over King Street. It landed a few minutes later on the adjacent Thompson building and seems just fine. We think it was Peter but will confirm as son as we can. Stay tuned!



June 14, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: This is an exiting time for Falconwatchers, anxiously watching and waiting for the first chick to leave the nest. I had a special treat today as both Surge and Madame X, on separate occasions, perched right in front of me on the window ledge of the Stelco tower. They truly are magnificent creatures. What was not quite so beautiful was Madame X casting a pellet right in front of me. Eeew! Just in case you don't know, birds of prey don't waste much when it comes to food. They eat their prey, fur or feathers, bones and all, then later regurgitate the indigestible bits in a nice compact little package called a "pellet". During this visit I was able to get the picture of her at left. Around 14:30 Madame X dove from the ledge and caught a big pigeon so low over King Street that, with the extra weight, she had a hard time regaining altitude and just cleared the walkway that crosses the street. She then took her prize back to Stelco to "prepare" it, having a good meal herself before taking the remainder over to the chicks.



June 13, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: There were some tense moments today while watching the chicks exercising on the ledge. Peter and Joseph are now strong enough to slide themselves backwards with their flapping. More than once I watched them flap themselves to the King Street edge of the ledge and then hop back to safety at the last second. They are flapping their wings for longer periods of time, as well as running and hopping while flapping, which is a sign they will be taking their first flights soon. Even 'baby' Chedoke could be seen flapping his wings, showing almost completely brown flight feathers (image at left, taken at 20:15 this evening), throughout the day. Now we wait.....



June 12, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: Today was another day of eat, sleep and exercise for the chicks and hunting for the adults. At different times Madame X was seen in pursuit of a Mourning Dove and a Rock Pigeon. I saw her tap the pigeon and think that was the 19:30 meal. The youngsters continue to strengthen and develop, and get darker. The contrast between juvenile brown and the white of natal down is quite visble in the image of Joseph - yellow band on still blue feet - at left, taken at 07:08 this morning. The white 'pantallons' on his upper legs will be gone in a few days.

The oldest three, Peter, Henderson and Joseph, are getting closer and closer to the edge of the ledge and flapping up a storm, sending puffs of down drifting to the street below. This also makes it easier to catch a glimpse of them from the sidewalks below; if you happen to pass by during a feeding you will most likely be able to hear the uproar in the nest above. Now that the birds are on the ledge they will be flying soon (Peregrine's first flights usually take place between 39 and 49 days old, depending on how heavy they are. Peter, the oldest, is 37 days old today.) At 05:00 tomorrow, Sunday, June 13, Falconwatch 2010's street watch will begin. Volunteers will be on site until dark every day until the chicks are fledged.



June 11, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: Early today Henderson finally got back up on the ledge to join her brothers Peter and Joseph. This is the first time all three have been seen on the ledge together. The image at left, with Chedoke - note his all dark flight feathers - still in the nest behind them, was taken at 06:52 this morning. By the end of the day they were all looking quite comfortable side by side. The hot sun made it another lazy afternoon in the nest, but there was plenty of exercising, preening and stretching towards evening. The four are getting stronger every minute. All of the wing flapping is convincing me that it won't be long until we start calling the chicks "fledglings". What's a fledgling? A fledgling is a young bird that has recently become capable of flight, learned whatever its parents have tried to teach it, and left the nest. Soon we will have four of them.  ;D ;D


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