Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel - 2008-21

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"Hey Pete, you comin' back over here or what"... ???

(Chedoke sure has changed in the last couple days!! Not much fluff left!)  ;D

The little one is coming along, can get up on the Ledge now!  ;D



June 17, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: Another day of anxious waiting for Falconwatchers. This morning Peter was perched right where we left him at dusk last night, on the lower roof of the Thompson building overlooking the Copps Coliseum plaza (image at left). After a move to the lower roof of the Sheraton and two very good but unsuccessful attempts to get to the top of Thompson, he landed back on Thompson's lower roof where he stayed for most of the day, flying a bit and walking back and forth. Then, shortly after 20:00 this evening, Peter surprised us all when he suddenly lifted off and flew east over the city centre, circled back a couple of times gaining altitude and finally made a very soft landing on the northwest corner of the Stelco tower's 15th floor. Way to go Peter!! Back at the ranch, siblings Henderson and Joseph have yet to take to the air more than a few inches above the ledge, and Chedoke is only rarely seen on the ledge. We'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.


June 16, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: If you checked the webcam in the later part of this afternoon you may have noticed one chick missing from the picture. Where's Peter? Well, at 16:20 Peter made his first flight from the nest. We're not sure if it was completely voluntary or if the strong winds 'persuaded' him it was time to go, but off he went. Accompanied by Madame X he did a lap around the Sheraton and looked good doing it. When he couldn't quite make it back up onto the Sheraton he landed on the Thompson building next door instead. The image at left shows Peter seconds before he lifted off. Once on the Thompson building he walked and flew back and forth on the roof for several hours. In the end he decided not to try a second flight today and to spend his first night away from home. Don't worry though, Mom and Dad aren't far away. Sooner or later, most likely sooner, his siblings will be joining him on his adventures away from the nest. Joseph and Henderson are showing signs of restlessness and even little Chedoke, who was back on the ledge again today, was flapping up a storm (of down feathers). They grow up so fast. Just 42 days ago they were eggs, and now they're starting to fly.

This wasn't the only excitement today. As the 20+ participants in the Hamilton Naturalists' Club Wednesday Night Walk learned more about Peregrines and then viewed Peter close-up from the Copps Coliseum plaza with Lead Monitor Audrey Gamble, Senior Monitor Mike Street and Falconwatcher Norma Bingham were conducting a 40-minute 'Show, tell and question' session with students on the other side of the world. They were connected by Skype through a small computer sitting on the hood of a car in the school board parking lot across the street from the Sheraton Hamilton. (Isn't technology amazing?) With the Hamilton Falconwatch website full-screen on the Smartboard in their classroom as a backdrop, more than a dozen children in Mr. Bayaziti's Grade 3 class at Gulfview Heights Primary school near Adelaide, South Australia heard first how in the 1950s and '60s Peregrines in eastern North America were wiped out by the effects of the pesticide DDT, and then how the reintroduction program launched by the governments of Canada and the United States has been so successful. Each of the Australian kids then asked a very well thought out question and got replies from Norma and Mike. The exchange will continue in the fall when Norma's Grade 5-6 class at St. George-German School connects directly with the class in Australia.

Great news, Elaine!  :D Hope all is well with his/her flight.


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