Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel - 2008-21

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June 10, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: If you checked the webcam today there's a good chance you saw four birds sleeping. It was another restful day for the brood. When not at rest the chicks could be seen preening, stretching, exercising and eating. And eating. And eating. The image at left, taken just after 19:00 this evening, shows Madame X and three chicks during one of the many feedings. (Chedoke was there too, but just out of camera range.) At this point the youngsters are changing so fast, as they continue to grow and lose their down, that they look different every day. There were times today when there was so much down in the air it looked like it was snowing in the nest. Strong gusts of wind this afternoon were a bit of a worry because the chicks are still small enough that a good strong gust might blow them right off of the ledge. Speaking of off the ledge, Peter was flapping hard enough to slide himself backwards. Not quite flying, but soon.


June 9, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: Things were pretty quiet in the nest today. With this morning's rain and the cool weather the chicks didn't do much more than eat, sleep and stretch. When they were awake they could be seen exercising and pulling out their fluffy down. A few times Peter combined preening and exercising when his down feathers stuck to his beak. All four are looking browner every day, as can be seen in the image at left, taken at 09:30 today. Chedoke, younger by two to four days than the others, is still quite white but appears to be healthy and full of energy, especially at feedings when he's the most aggressive of the four. Joseph is getting more comfortable up on the ledge with his brother. Henderson made some attempts to get up today but couldn't quite make it. Tonight they're going to bed on full tummies, having been fed just after 19:00 and again at 20:00.


June 8, 2010 - HCPP welcomes 2010 Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine. Brad reports: It was another beautiful day in downtown Hamilton. The chicks are currently exchanging their cute fluffy down for brownish flight feathers. All seem to be healthy and were eager to eat when offered food. During a feeding at 18:40 Joseph made his first jump up onto the ledge. That makes it Peter, Henderson and Joseph who have been on the ledge. Come on Chedoke! (We can tell the chicks apart easily this year because each one has a different coloured piece of plastic tape on its metal number band.)

Having gained a little confidence, Joseph hopped up to met Madame X at the next feeding, which took place at 19:22, and tried to take the entire bird from her. After a little tug of war, and nail biting on my part, Joseph lost his grip and fell back into the nest. He then popped up for a third time and helped himself to the food while Madame X fed the others. Peter also spent time on the ledge (that?s him in the image at left, taken at 10:30) and all four chicks could be seen practicing their hops and wing flapping throughout the day. Three up and one to go!

what a great video.  thanks for posting the link Ballywing

What great close up shots of the chicks during banding!


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