Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2022 / Pip & Ella

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The Peregrine Chick:

The Peregrine Chick:

The Peregrine Chick:
Thanks folks, very kind of you.  Dennis and I so very much enjoyed releasing her go this summer. We always enjoy releases but we must have stopped a half dozen times (maybe more) as we wove our way back out of OHM in case we could catch sight of her up overhead or skimming over the marsh or perched on one of the few high spots.  We didn't, but we did keep trying to get one more glimpse. And when we hit the highway, we stopped one more time and the binoculars came out, just in case ...

Lots of other peregrines to watch of course, and we all have our favourites.  She was definitely one of our favourites.

I am very saddened by the news.  Princess was truly a remarkable girl, and she had a remarkable life.  If she only knew how famous she was.  This was her home and she came home to be with family and as sad as her passing was I’m glad she wasn’t alone in the end and we have peace of mind knowing that.  Soar high Princess, thanks for the memories!

So sad to hear of what has happened to our beloved Princess.  :'( - As always, a beautifully written tribute TPC, thank you.
So sorry you had to go through that, but I for one am glad we know how it all ended for her, and that you were able to be there for her -  she was well cared for. - End of an Era.  :-*


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