Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2022 / Pip & Ella

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Such a heart wrenching ending to her storied reign as our Radisson Royal.  :(  :'( She truly was a force to be reckoned with and will never be forgotten. Thank you TPC for all you did for her, for us here in the forum and for this beautiful tribute and her history, complete with photos. :-*   

I am heartbroken at this news. I have such a deep connection due to our Radisson. I had wondered often, if she managed to get to migration. She may just have not had the power. As Carly said: she was Queen of Winnipeg, not just the Radisson.

If you all had followed Radisson, since 2008 , like I have, you would see how alike these 2 were.

I am deeply sorry you had to make that decision. You always have their best interests at heart. Thankyou for the heartwarming post

Soar high Princess. You are one of a kind

It is sad news but we know the ending to her story and what a story it has been.  Thank you Tracy for the beautiful blog post you've posted in her memory.  She may be named Princess but to me she will always be Queen of the Radisson.

Thank you for arranging all the great care she had and for making the humane decision to send her on that final flight over the rainbow bridge.

RIP Princess and thank you for all the memories  :-*

Very sad.  She was an amazing and inspiring bird.  Thankfully her legacy will live on in her offspring.

The Peregrine Chick:


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