Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2022 / Pip & Ella

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: GCG on March 17, 2022, 10:25 ---Happy dance! ;D Thanks for this incredible news and photo, TPC! I guess we don't need the countdown timer.  ;D

--- End quote ---

I always like to know that it is a resident bird before I shut the timer down ... I suspect it is one of ours because they were awfully comfortable on the box edge and I haven't had any other reports of birds at other nestsites, so I suspect, this bird arrived this morning and went straight to the Radisson.

Happy dance! ;D Thanks for this incredible news and photo, TPC! I guess we don't need the countdown timer.  ;D

The Peregrine Chick:


I can’t fix the Snow or the Wind and Cold. But I can give you a Peregrine Fix…Pip at the Radisson 2021.
Go to the link for a larger view...
Cheers !

There was such a lump in my throat as I read the beautifully written final chapter of the long story of Princess, as told by TPC.
I also reread the summer chapter of her release in Oak Hammock, and then the tears came.
Thank you, TPC, for sharing these stories and your personal feelings during your long relationship with Princess. 


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