Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2022 / Pip & Ella

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Yay - Any time now!!  ;D ;D

The Peregrine Chick:

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: ballywing on May 17, 2022, 11:21 ---It's weird, every year on the way to and from work there's usually a birdie perched on the nest during this season, looking out over the city.  8) - This year there never seems to be anyone there - empty west ledge  ???

--- End quote ---

Crappy weather - I think who ever isn't incubating makes a beeline to wherever is their favourite spot to stay out of the rain, wind, cold ...
At the moment Pip is asleep/napping on the eggs and Ella is having a very thorough preen on the west side sign immediately below the nestbox ... likely because it isn't raining at the moment ...

It's weird, every year on the way to and from work there's usually a birdie perched on the nest during this season, looking out over the city.  8) - This year there never seems to be anyone there - empty west ledge  ???

The Peregrine Chick:


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