Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2022 / Pip & Ella

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I typed a comment on Shaw's Facebook site and received this reply................................

Shaw Spotlight
May 24 at 6:31 AM
 Thank you for letting us know about the link! :) Here is the new one (which we have also adjusted in our post) -

The Peregrine Chick:
Just as an FYI - better to bookmark the FalconCam page on the website (CLICK HERE) that way if/when the YouTubeLive link breaks (and it does), that is where the new link will be posted, you don't have to go hunting for it.  And it lets us know how many folks are visiting the cam and when which could make a difference for future FalconCams.  You can still go to the YouTube site from the FalconCam page, but this is the better page to bookmark.


Just checked the cam and it appears to be "not available at this time".  Hope it comes back up soon.

I saw lots of shuggling and repositioning yesterday. And she was "listening" to the eggs.  ;D


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