Author Topic: Poland - Palace of Culture and Science (Warsaw) - 2020 / Franek & Giga  (Read 4294 times)

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Offline Ciuciek

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Two chicks hatched today! Franek on that pic with them.

Offline Ciuciek

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Thank you GCG and The Peregrine Chick.  :)

Video from today, I love how they "surfing" in the air..

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Welcome aboard Ciuciek!

Any problems or questions, don't hesitate to ask me (I'm the Admin) & thank you for sharing updates on the Polish Peregrines!

Offline GCG

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Good Morning and Happy Easter Ciuciek! Welcome to the Forum! Thank you so much for the history of our beloved peregrines in Poland and the links for the live cams.  :) :-*

Offline Ciuciek

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Hello everyone!

What about peregrines in Poland? very well. Now we have 15 webcams, 13 in nest located at Urban area,  2 in nest located in Forrests.  We have also couple more pair living without webcams.  All webcams you can find here:

In that topic I want you to show, one of our the most famous, and the oldest nest that we have in Poland.
Nest on the Palace of Culture and Science is active since 1998, that was a time when we had maybe 2-3 pairs in whole country.
For 17 years there was a home for female called Sawa and male called Warsa, that pair coming from our first reintroductions.
Wars and Sawa raised many their own chick and couple foster chicks. Since 2016 we have a new pair here. Our most famous male called Franek and my beloved female called Giga.

Couple words about our famous Franek..

Franek was raised and released to nature by falconer Grzegorz Dzik in 2008 - 20 km away from Warsaw. In 2009 he appeared on Warsaw-Bielany area. He met female called Jola up there. He decided to set up his first nest on the Mr and Mrs Sypień balcony. Unfortunately Jola didn't want to lay eggs on that balcony. Everything was good, until the moment when she should lay eggs. In 2014 Peregrine Project Poland members decided to put some "fake eggs" to the nest, to induce her to lay her own eggs.

But that didn't works.. Jola still didnt lay eggs..but Franek incubated those "fake eggs" and protected them. Jola finally disappearances in that 2014. PPPL decided to give Franek a two weeks old chick. He adopted that chick and raised him by himself.

Also in 2014 on Warsaw-Bielany arrived one year old female called Leśna. In 2015 Franek and Leśna raised three chicks! (on that nest in balcony) That was a first chicks in Franek life. Finally.  We were so happy for him.

During that happy season 2015, Franek discovered nest on the Palace of Culture.. he lured there many females (young Giga, female from Germany, and even sister of his current at that time partner Leśna..).  He was able to feed his and Leśna chicks on the balcony and then, 10 min later be on the Palace of Culture with one of his many "lovers".

When breeding season in 2015 was over, he moved to the Palace of Culture for good.  Leśna followed him, but she didnt like that nest.. . so this "relationship" between Leśna and Franek was over. 

In 2016 He started a new relationship with Giga. They raised three chicks together at that year.

Unfortunately, during the years 2017-2019 nest in the top of Palace of Culture was closed due to some renovation.
Franek and Giga during this years nested on Spectrum Tower and WTT (close proximity to the Palace). But for 2020 nest on the Palace of Culture is open again, and our pair back to us immediately.

Franek and his first own chicks in his life, nest on the balcony


What about Giga?

She coming from nest located at the Chimney in Głogow (2013 breeding season).  We know her since she was an egg (we have camera at this nest too). She showed up for the first time on the Palace of Culture in 2015, distance beetween Warsaw and Glogow is 340 kilometers.

Young Giga in 2013

Giga today

We have four eggs, we expecting chicks on the last week of aprill

Sorry for my english, I hope you understood most of that text.  ;D