Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-20

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The Peregrine Chick:
75% of my injured/dead peregrine calls in Winnipeg (90-95% in downtown) are pigeons ... in the suburbs I get more raptor calls but very rarely is it a peregrine ...

Just my two cents

Well sometimes people think they see a PF but then it turns out to be something else.  Franks says half the time people mistake red tail hawks for PF's and they go running down there with their hearts in their throats thinking it's one of ours and ends up not being...not that I'm saying I'm happy it's a red tail either but you know what I mean.

Unless they do find a body, we will never know.  It may have been a bird that crashed into the building..that area is skyscraper land...full of glass buildings.  I think we are all a bit on edge because there have been so many territorial fights this spring.  Great to the PF's thriving..but we need more homes for them  :P

Now the next thing is who was it they saw,and were is it now?

Yes this is Mariah's daughters site..Rhea Mae and Tiago and now we can confirm they are just fine!  Worried for nothing..hehe! 


--- Quote from: carly on April 26, 2009, 18:38 ---Oh thank you so much kittenface.  I missed seeing 2 on the refresh.  I will email Frank right away and let them know.  I'd hug you right now if I could!!!

--- End quote ---
Glad everything is ok now like Bev said go get a glass of wine now


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