Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2020 / Wingo Starr & Hurricane

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The Peregrine Chick:
We haven't had a chick come to play for a few weeks now ... would be nice to see one or two or any out this way.  But it is that time of the year.

Will be interested to see when the adults leave - the Farmers Almanac is predicting a "snow train" across the Prairies (there was snow in the Pas in the last week) but don't know when - I kept missing that part of the story when it can on the radio!  Usually we have at least 1 bird around until mid-October, interesting to see if that happens again this year.

RCF - Question -  the last three of your most recent photos are of the chick that has been around - yes? Can't see a band on photo 1 and Wingo's bands looked to be in good shape last I saw them - and his plumage was starting to transition more to the adult colours ...

That’s great to have a few more pictures!  Thanks for your dedication, I enjoy your updates.

I haven't seen a chick for a few days but Wingo and Hurricane are still hanging out.

That's pretty cool! You don't get to see that everyday!  Lucky him!  :) 

One of the two chicks likes to perch on the corner of the museum building.

--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on September 04, 2020, 18:47 ---

--- End quote ---

The Peregrine Chick:


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