Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2020 / Wingo Starr & Hurricane

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--- Quote from: dupre501 on October 08, 2020, 12:09 ---Thanks for all the updates this year. Love all the photos!

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Thanks Dupre

Here is Wingo at 9:30 this morning, he didn't look like he was going anywhere yet!

Thanks for all the updates this year. Love all the photos!

I saw Hurricane yesterday but not today. She usually leaves about this time so she's probably gone. Wingo is still here though, he stayed this long last year. I saw him on the south light at 5pm today.



Oct 6

Hurricane is still here but not sure about Wingo, the last time I saw him was September 26th.  I have not seen a chick since the last time I posted seeing one.  ???

Someone posted on Facebook that they saw and photographed a juvenile peregrine falcon near Killarney....maybe one of the chicks from here.   ;)




--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on September 10, 2020, 21:39 ---We haven't had a chick come to play for a few weeks now ... would be nice to see one or two or any out this way.  But it is that time of the year.

RCF - Question -  the last three of your most recent photos are of the chick that has been around - yes?

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Yes, but both may still be here....who knows!


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