Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2016 / Ty & Faith

<< < (12/30) > >>

 ??? Have the chicks been named?

On Friday, spotted one chick looking over the east wall at about 1:30 pm. and Faith on the sign at about 4 pm.

Sunday about 1:30 spotted one chick with what looks like red tape on their left leg doing a bit of wing stretching. Then launched itself onto the roof. Won't be long till their headed out the other way.

At about 4:20 pm, one chick with white or silver on left leg also doing some stretching on the wall.

Thanks for keeping us updated TPC! and love the photos.

Could you let us know any markers you put on the chicks? Which is the female and males?

The Peregrine Chick:
Sunday afternoon's are made for napping with a sibling ...


--- Quote from: dupre501 on July 06, 2016, 23:17 ---Two of them were enjoying hanging out on the wall this evening. One decided to lay low, while the other one waved to me, then showed me the red tape on their left leg.

--- End quote ---
Fantastic catch Dupre! Beautiful colour in your photos. Thank you. 8)


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