Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2016 / Ty & Faith
It's good news that they are all back safe and sound on their building!
The Peregrine Chick:
Breaking News - report from Dennis - all three chicks accounted for - at the moment Ty is parked at the nestbox, Faith is in the other end of the same wall and between them is the female chick. Male #1 is on the south wall visible to Faith and Male #2 is on the west wall visible to Ty and the female chick.
All are accounted for and seem fine!
The Peregrine Chick:
Double fledge last night - the one Dupre caught and the other male went sometime later but he didn't do it on camera. One of the two boys was returned to the roof this morning as he appeared to be unhurt, other one we are trying to locate but if he is on a rooftop, we won't see him until he sits on an edge or decides to fly again.
Sorry, correction here ... the boys are fine, looks like they both went last night and it was the female who went this morning and was rescued. Too much multi-tasking when I made my initial report!!
--- Quote from: dupre501 on July 11, 2016, 18:53 ---Looks like we have a fledge today. Chick is safe! ;D
--- End quote ---
That's good news dupre! :)
Looks like we have a fledge today. Chick is safe! ;D
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