Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2016 / Ty & Faith
Two of them were enjoying hanging out on the wall this evening. One decided to lay low, while the other one waved to me, then showed me the red tape on their left leg.
The Peregrine Chick:
I like this site, thought the winds might present a problem for the chicks but doesn't seem to be the case, may in fact help them because they have enough protection that they get familiar with the winds before they ever have to try and fly. Didn't think that no or light winds would make my heart stop, but go figure, no/light winds mean the little darlings can get up and run the walls 10 days before we'd expect them to fledge. Not a problem so long as they don't try to pass each other :o that's when my heart stops. But they are getting good at hopping down onto the roof and running/flapping to where they want to me - and the ramp from the roof to the patio took no learning at all - zip, up they went. And they have discovered that when the sun is hot, the rocks on the roof in the shade are very cool and it is even cooler under the nestbox.
All in all, these three are doing well (knock on wood), it is those of us who watch them who are doing not so well :-\
Love the pixs! sure they are not little monkeys! ROFL :D
8) Great pics Dupre! !!!!
I can imagine! Well, sort of. But I can definately see for myself.
At 5:45 pm, just a short time before the evening rain shower, Faith was on the wall. What are these chicks doing up here already? Aren't they supposed to run around on the roof a bit first?
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