Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2016 / Ty & Faith
:) Awww they are just so cute.
The Peregrine Chick:
There was a meal about 0230h - couldn't see it in the dark, but did see the delivery & her fast retrieval. Another meal at 0428h by Ty this time and no problems so it is nice that Faith isn't insisting on doing all the feeding like Princess.
Oh, Tot 1 now has a bud ...
And yes, she will get better at feeding ... she also needs to work on how to get off the chicks ... she changed places with Ty just before 0700h and knocked one of the chicks right off her foot and s/he rolled and ended up on his back looking like a drunken sailor. Not much of a roll but cute as all get out. That she'll learn in time as well. I'll see if I can't catch some video for folks later today (its a work day ;))
Hope She'll get the hang of it, and the little ones will be ok.
;D Those first feedings sound rather funny, but I like to think she will figure things out soon. If not, I hope Ty will be allowed to help out.
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: burdi on June 01, 2016, 18:27 ---Faith looks to be doing very well as a new mom!
Congratulations Ty and Faith, and welcome to the big world, little one. :-*
--- End quote ---
She had the incubation part down pat - no rain got by her! The feeding stuff she's not so good at yet - not like Beatrix who, as we have said before here, looked like she'd been doing it for 10 years in her first year as a Mom. But Faith is improving - first meal sucked big time, she knew the theory but was having trouble visualizing the follow through. That was about 2pm as I recall. By 4pm, she was getting the hang of the follow through but not the fact that chick can barely hold its head up let alone help a great deal with the feeding process. Knocked him flat at one point - actually, did it at both feedings, nearly buried him under the meal she was bring him the first time, second time was pushing food into his mouth and over he toppled. Very cute and in slow motion. Think chick two might have hatched a wee bit ago, that or she's stuffing the eggshells back under her again. Funny to watch her do that actually - all the rest of our parents fling them around with great abandon in comparison! Might get another look if there is another meal before the light leaves.
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