Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2016 / Ty & Faith

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Three hungry mouths to feed...didn't see an egg.

Awww ... thanks for the pic TPC, I'm so happy for them. :)

The Peregrine Chick:
Picture of the three chicks yesterday afternoon ...

Last egg looks like it might have a pip or it could be damaged.  Hard to know if this will be a 3 or 4 nest.  Either is just fine with me!

The Peregrine Chick:
Yup, Faith was waiting for Tot 3 to hatch yesterday.  Got a first look at the third chick just before 1526h when everyone got fed - new chick is absolutely not a meek younger sib - chick was front and centre asking for food. At only a few hours old, it did very well staying upright longer than I thought it would.  Well up then down and up again, repeat.  Very cute.  Faith is much better at the feeding now - practice is improving her skills.  Still rough around the edges both with feeding and getting the chicks under her but having said that Ty had a funny episode getting the three chicks and last egg under him, flipped one of the chicks over and it protested mightily for about 2 seconds before it nodded off to sleep again.  These two have got a good routine - lots of meals through the day, everyone getting fed each time, nice sharing of responsibilities, they have figured out how to manage the rain and Ty seems to be channelling his father Trey's housekeeping genes - their box is pristine compared to the same time after hatching at the Radisson.  Got to love the personality differences between birds!

The Peregrine Chick:
It is raining again but not nearly as hard as a couple of days ago - whole back corner of the box is dry and has been all morning.  Very fast meal just about 1/2 hour ago and then she hopped right back on the tots.  Thought it was because of the rain, but mostly she takes a break and Ty sits with the kids for awhile.  Not this time and I think perhaps a saw a bit of wet chick on her when she moved but can't be sure - certainly neither of the chicks got wet during the last meal so if not a third chick hatching, must have been just a trick of the light.  Will likely have to wait at least a couple of hours until the next meal to find out however .... more news as I have it ...


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