Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2016 / Ty & Faith

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Faith looks to be doing very well as a new mom!

Congratulations Ty and Faith, and welcome to the big world, little one.  :-*


They really do have an exceptionally clean nest!  :D

The Peregrine Chick:
Just one chick that I have seen so far ...

Great news for this nest. Ty and Faith appear to be a good match. I do however miss Beatrix. Happy this nest will continue to provide us with eggs/chicks for years to come.  ;D

The Peregrine Chick:
We have our first hatch (or hatches) for Ty and Faith!!

Last night could see 4 eggs at just past 1900h.  Then the rain started and Faith has been velcroed to the eggs since then (yes that is 16 hours now).  I started checking the recordings frame by frame this morning when there was enough light to see the birds (it was still raining) and couldn't see anything until Faith pulled out an eggshell, nibbled on it for a few seconds then stuffed it back under her.  It is now 4 hours later and she has played with the same or other eggshells for seconds at a time before stuffing them back under her.  Her nestbox looks exactly the same as it did yesterday, a week ago, three weeks ago - pristine with nary any sign of eggs hatching or chicks.  She's not getting off until she's convinced that the chick won't get wet so will keep an eye out for first feeding and then maybe I'll be able to get a chick count - or maybe not, don't know where she'll stand to feed the tots (back to camera or not).

It is nice that tomorrow is going to be dry, sunny and warm - get the who crew hatched and through their first meals.  Friday is suppose to be rainy again and then we have (if the forecast is correct) about 10 day with low/no probability of rain.  Hope they are right - both for West Winnipeg and the McKenzie Seeds chicks which are due next week.

More news as I have it ...


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