Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

<< < (20/24) > >>

Hi everyone,

Well, things aren't looking that great at the beginning of incubation. According to the videos, peregrines have been battling behind the nestbox.
Not sure of the outcome... Hoping that neither bird is injured.

Thanks susha. Right click worked. Translate with Bing. It sounds windy there too!

GCG, I just accessed the site from my computer at work (for the first time - that's dangerous...no more work getting done 8)) and to get the page translated, I just right clicked on the mouse and the option to translate came up :)

Mine just translates automatically and I can't remember is I made that happen long ago when I first started watching this site :P

Still a mystery, this "family".  Looks like the intruder spent the night again last night.  When I took a look last evening, Miep-VieVie and the U/K male were snoozing away, heads tucked into their back feathers, looking relaxed and comfortable in each others' company. ???

Can anyone tell me is there is a translate link on this site? Since we upgraded to a newer version of Windows, we no longer get a translate link automatically. Thanks!


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