Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

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I am so very confused now - I've gone through some of the video clips and after the 8th of April, when it was assumed that Pa was no longer the resident male, he was back on April 12th, (maybe 13th ....?), with Miep/VieVie and in the Nestbox.
I've been going over the videos and translating them - and I have no idea who is the resident male here especially after that battle the other day.
And from what I have also translated (love Google), Pa was not part of those battles.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: irenekl on April 17, 2015, 10:56 ---For some reason I can't open the video clips at this site this year.  I have the live feed and read the updates.  Any suggestions?

--- End quote ---

I had no problem opening/viewing using Firefox 37.0.1  ... if that helps any ...  :-\

That's a mystery, Irene!  I can usually open them with no trouble ???

For some reason I can't open the video clips at this site this year.  I have the live feed and read the updates.  Any suggestions?


--- Quote from: allikat on April 16, 2015, 13:36 ---Hi everyone,

Well, things aren't looking that great at the beginning of incubation. According to the videos, peregrines have been battling behind the nestbox.
Not sure of the outcome... Hoping that neither bird is injured.

--- End quote ---

I just watched the videos, allikat. They indeed look vicious. Hopefully all is well now, although they are dated today.


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