Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

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It was interesting to watch him on the video.
It appeared as if he was paying close attention to what Miep/VV was doing, ie: feeding the chicks.
I could be wrong on that impression as it could be as simple as 1R just wanted to eat.  ::)

The Peregrine Chick:
He might be a first year bird ... some beg for food from their "mates" as though they are chicks.  Madame here at the Radisson did that her first year in Winnipeg with T-Rex.  T-Rex was the same age and he was hunting up food for chicks we were hacking and pushing it through the bars on the hack box and then he would have to feed Madame as well.  The following year she was at the Radisson with Pop and had grown out of that particular behaviour.  A couple of years ago I saw the same kind of behaviour from a female (?) at the Brandon Tower site (RCF might be able to confirm if this was an isolated incident or typical for that bird that year). 

If 1R isn't contributing, so long as she can keep the kids fed, not to bursting, just enough to keep developing for the next week, the chicks' chances for survival will go up exponentially.  If he steals the remains of meals, that's likely okay, there likely isn't much left - remember most of a bird is wings and feathers.  Fortunately, at this age, her chicks can't eat much at a sitting so a good kill a day for them could keep them going and a kill for her will do the same.  When the chicks can thermoregulate, she can be hunting nearby more and theoretically can stockpile more food to keep up with their growing appetites.  For those who can remember food deliveries close to fledge age, it was just one pigeon per chick - that's about the equivalent of 1/2 a chicken breast.

Just watched a video posted on the site...
Now, did 1R bring that prey in, or was he in fact waiting to take it away so he could eat it or clean up?
Aside from watching this site 24-7, I don't know what the real deal is...?

I was watching as well Alison.
It looked to me like 1R was waiting for Miep/VV to hunt and prep the food for her chicks while he waited patiently to take it.
I don't know if this was his attempt at cleaning up, or basically just waiting to eat it.

Miep-VV just came back with food, and she has just finished feeding the chicks. As it was yesterday, the food she brought was not plucked or prepared for feeding.

She fed the chicks, while One Ring watched from the platform. When she had finished feeding the chicks, she settled down to brood them, keeping the remaining food right beside her. Within seconds, One Ring zipped into the nest, stole the food and was gone. I saw him do it.  >:(

If he is not going to help (and I am sure that he has not yet brought food), the least he can do is go and get his own food.


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