Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

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I have seen at least two banded pigeons brought in over the last couple of days; one had bands on both legs.

All three cams have been down since 16:39 on the two sites which I use. Don't know if they are just down, or if this is a continuation of the previous situation.

Nothing has been mentioned about this on the Dutch forum.

All the prey that I've seen have been banded.

Same pattern seems to be happening with meals.  Miep-VV brings back food.  Feeds chicks and then One Ring comes to take the rest away.  Last night, there was a large chunk of leftovers that Miep-VV seemed to be keeping for another feeding or two and it got taken away by One R.  Again twice today.  It certainly means that the nestbox is cleaner than last year, but I wonder how much of this Miep-VV can tolerate.  Is she getting enough to eat herself?  She's doing all the work it seems.  Unless, of course, better scenario is that One Ring is the hunter and stashing food away and then taking the leftovers after a feeding... ???  Time will tell...

Yes, gemcitygemini, they are banded dove's (from what I read on their forum).


--- Quote from: gemcitygemini on April 26, 2015, 12:09 --- :o I have just looked at the nest cam and I am shocked by what I see. There is remnants of prey. But what is shocking is there is a band on one of the talons?????? Has anyone any knowledge of what it is or what has happened?  ??? ???

--- End quote ---

I had a look and took a screen capture. There are a lot of banded pigeons there, so I think that's what it is.  :)  I will post the scap if anyone asks to see it.  

 :o I have just looked at the nest cam and I am shocked by what I see. There is remnants of prey. But what is shocking is there is a band on one of the talons?????? Has anyone any knowledge of what it is or what has happened?  ??? ???


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