Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

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The Peregrine Chick:
Miep-VieVie is looking at him but from the screen captures not that aggressively ... that could be a good sign.  His behaviour towards her might be becoming more partner than scrounger (or maybe not) - could be his hormones are kicking in and he's responding to the chicks' requests for food etc.  She may not be "letting" him near the chicks because a) she doesn't know him well and b) he's not actively trying to brood the chicks.

First hatch was on the 22nd, third (there are just three here yes?) was on the 24th.  She's doing well - if she can get them all to the end of next weekend, their chances for survival should improve ... and 1R/One-Ring, might be more support or at least less interference.

Still no cams. Very cold and windy there today.

Miep-VV went hunting, was gone for some time and returned with a huge prey at 12:50 p.m.

Miep-VV earlier with One Ring, the perpetual scrounger:




--- Quote from: allikat on April 26, 2015, 14:15 ---The live cams are online.
I have been refreshing the other site (3 cam views), and still nothing.
The administrator wrote something on April 23rd about the interference.  It's a long message that can be translated.
I too, saw Miep/VV bring in the banded prey(s) - their forum has mentioned they are banded Dove's.  

--- End quote ---
I assume you are referring to Beleef de Lente? It is not a site I have ever used, but I did go over there to see if it was down too. The videos at that time were not loading, just spinning . . .

I read the message you referred to, in the Dutch version. I checked three Dutch forums, but found no reference to the cams being down on any of them.

I am suspicious that the ongoing problem between BDL and NK has not been resolved. When the cams were down before, people on the main Dutch forum were posting that they were ashamed and embarrassed to be Dutch, because of all the people around the world who were also affected by this infighting.

The live cams are online.
I have been refreshing the other site (3 cam views), and still nothing.
The administrator wrote something on April 23rd about the interference.  It's a long message that can be translated.
I too, saw Miep/VV bring in the banded prey(s) - their forum has mentioned they are banded Dove's.  


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