Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

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The Peregrine Chick:
Another day closer to the 10 day mark - that's a good thing.  And the first of the chicks is almost a week old, youngest is 4 days old, that's another hopeful sign - Princess lost her first a couple of years ago because she wouldn't get off it when it rained and I think just didn't get enough food in the beginning.  I could be wrong and it was wet/cold that got it but both are a problem when they are so young.  These tots have made it this far, few more days and they are over a really big hurdle and Miep-VieVie is able to shift focus.  Another good sign is that 1R has been in the box alone with the chicks (picture shortly after early hatches last week) and didn't seem to be aggressive towards them - just interested in the food.  When Miep-VieVie doesn't have to stay with the chicks she can be more assertive with him about stealing because she can leave the chicks alone for longer without harm.

This is hard to watch.  Can see just three little ones - fourth might be behind the others.  One is so, so tiny.  They've been alone for a while...I guess (hope) mom is hunting. :-\

1R is definitely taking the food away, ie: stealing.
Miep/VV and 1R were fighting over prey.
She won the first battle, but after a second attempt, 1R got his way and flew away with prey.
It would be nice if something snapped inside that head of 1R, but I'm not holding my breath.
Miep/VV is one amazing Momma falcon.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Alison on April 27, 2015, 09:28 ---Actually, there are four chicks, but they are very small and not really getting enough food to grow as fast as they should.
--- End quote ---

We had something similar at West Winnipeg with Jules - not the no support from her mate Beau, but the small size of  her chicks early on.  It was the stress of the location, they were very fast feeders so the chicks were much smaller pre-banding age.  When we would move them at banding (I'm not suggesting this for this site), the parents were less stressed and the kids packed on the poundage.  Jules and Beau are not part of Radisson genetic line so their chicks are quite a lot larger than the rest of our Manitoba chicks - Annie was banded as a female remember, we didn't do that by accident, that's the size he and his sister Aggie measure out as.  Juliet came off the horrible nestsite and she's enormous to my eye and is still going strong at last report, so fingers crossed, one more week.

Actually, there are four chicks, but they are very small and not really getting enough food to grow as fast as they should.

If they can just make it past the first ten days, they should be able to thermoregulate and will have a better chance. It is a very difficult task for Miep-VV. I don't think she would become aggressive with One Ring while they are both in the nest, with four very vulnerable chicks at risk.

One Ring, however, is well fed. One of the pics I have saved of him shows him with a large crop.


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