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Resetting Time on Forum

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And when I log off the forum, the forum time shows on my posts too.

I have mine set as -1 hour and it seems to work. Forum Time is 1 hour ahead so maybe that is what you are seeing. I think when we add a post to the forum it is recorded on the forum on it's own time. That way when others see the post from no matter where they are in the world, they are in chronological order. When we log on, our local time is shown as long as we have made the correction on our local profile. Maybe TPC can shed some light on this but I think this came up a number of years ago and that is the explanation that I remember.

Just to check, it is 10h47 on my profile as I type

Well, this is very strange... when I log on to the Forum, the time recorded for my last post is correct, but when I am not logged on, the time recorded is off by an hour. ???

Is this a wrinkle?

I went to my profile preferences and noticed the time offset is -3 hours, rather than the expected -2 hours.  The Forum time is apparently 22:55, and my local time is correctly listed as 19:55. 


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