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Resetting Time on Forum

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Time seems to be correct right now, TPC. (January 6, 2012, 19:23) :D Will keep an eye on it. Thanks!

The Peregrine Chick:
Hey Kinderchick,

Just checked your main (public) profile page and your time is correct at the moment  (January 06, 2012, 13:33:06)  Keep an eye on it and I'll see about doing the same.  

If you notice your time is off on a post - send me a pm right away and put the time you are sending the pm in the body of the pm - that way I can see what time you say it is and what time the system says it is.

If others are having similar difficulties, please do the same thing!


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on January 04, 2012, 13:12 ---Check the "time" on your profiles folks - it looks like they may have been reset to the default (EST/Toronto) with one of the recent software updates.
--- End quote ---

I noticed this morning that the time on my posts was off by an hour again, TPC, even though I corrected it the other day, according to your instructions.
I have tried this time to correct the time manually, according to your instructions. It looks to be okay for now but if it happens again, I will send you a PM to see if you can correct it. Maybe I just didn't do it right the other day. :-\ Anyhow, I will check back later this evening to see if the time is still okay.

The Peregrine Chick:
Good question Kinderchick - and no, you shouldn't have to reset your time for daylight savings time, the system should make the change automatically.  I have made a note to check the system when the spring change occurs and we'll see what actually happens.

Just so everyone knows, updates are far from infallible, with the last reset, the Forum's calendar (which we don't use much) is screwed up.  Pretty sure I can't fix it from my end and if that is the case then hopefully the developers can help us out, would like it fixed before nesting season as I'd like to see if I can put it to more use this year.

Well, not long ago, I happened to notice that the time recorded on my posts was out by an hour and I was thinking that this must have occurred with the time change in the Fall. I had been meaning to ask you how I could fix this, TPC, for some time now, but just hadn't got around to it. Do you suppose this is why my time was off and not the others? :-\ Do we all need to go into our profile and manually update the auto detect default clock every time the time changes in Spring and Fall?


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