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Resetting Time on Forum

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Oh right, we are central standard now. Yes it does help

The Peregrine Chick:
Actually, the default time on the Forum is Eastern not Central as the server for the Forum is in the Toronto area .... if that helps any  :-\


--- Quote from: birdcamfan on January 07, 2012, 18:19 ---When we are on daylight savings time in the summer, the forum time corresponds with Winnipeg time so the offset is 0 hours. When the time falls back in the autumn, I have to change it to -1 hour on my profile. People in other parts of the country have to change their time according to their own time zones. The forum time never seems to spring ahead or fall back so maybe it was set up to correspond to Winnipeg summer time since that is when it is most active. That being said, I don't really know..I'm just guessing.

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It is a reasonable guess, bcf, and would explain what we see.  Though I don't remember having to manually change my local time at the spring ahead/fall back times.  That is why I was surprised to see the different offset. 

It is interesting the attention we pay to these things in the off season when there are no birdies to talk about, n'est ce pas?

I'm not sure how it is decided to set this forum time. Some of the European forums set it to international time (Greenwich mean time). When we are on daylight savings time in the summer, the forum time corresponds with Winnipeg time so the offset is 0 hours. When the time falls back in the autumn, I have to change it to -1 hour on my profile. People in other parts of the country have to change their time according to their own time zones. The forum time never seems to spring ahead or fall back so maybe it was set up to correspond to Winnipeg summer time since that is when it is most active. That being said, I don't really know..I'm just guessing.


--- Quote from: birdcamfan on January 07, 2012, 10:53 ---... Forum Time is 1 hour ahead so maybe that is what you are seeing. I think when we add a post to the forum it is recorded on the forum on it's own time...
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I'm not too sure what you mean by Forum time, bcf. :-\ Do you mean Toronto time, since the Forum originates out of Toronto? ???


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