Past from Mathew this morning:
Mathew's Update:
Jul 5, 2009 - Injured bird - The drama continues
You'd think things were exciting enough around here the past while, but the drama continues to unfold.
This morning a lot of noisy calls were heard, a combination of juveniles excited to eat along with alarm-calling by either one or two adults.
Two adults were witnessed eee-chupping, hidden away on the nest ledge, one departed soonafter... ?
Later this afternoon a territorial dispute was witnessed, observers reported seeing two birds go on the offensive versus a third bird. In the hours to come, animal services were in the area retrieving an injured bird, details were a bit confusing at the time.
Piecing the available information together, it appears two (assumed adult) Peregrines from our site were defending the territory against an unfortunate Red-tailed hawk. The Red-tail didn't fare very well, suffering an injury in the talon area and possibly also a wing problem considering it was retrieved from the ground. Animal services originally thought the bird they had was a Peregrine falcon but thanks to Marlene and the MNR they eventually realized it was a hawk and not a Peregrine falcon with ID bands.
Following all of this, Mom is apparently looking fine, patchy details on the rest of the gang but things seem okay and have quieted down from earlier.