Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - Apartment Block - 2008-14

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OMG! Yes, he is so cute!  :D He did indeed look as if he didn't want to leave. I too am hoping he will be okay. :-\

Mathew posted the release video of the juvenile male they also released.  Oh he was so cute and he didn't seem to want to go...I hope he'll be okay  :-*


Very moving video! Brought tears to my eyes too!

that video brought tears to my eyes.
And where did they expect that he would go. this site is the one he knows.
I hope he stays safe

I do wish Jack would just go back to angel and leave him here.

Just got an email from Mathew.  Jack is at his site right now.  NO sign of Milton but he says Jack looks pretty relaxed and not stressed.  Hopefully Milton will bide his time before he makes a move.  No doubt he would have been surprised to see his mate on eggs too.  I will go out tomorrow to see what I can see.

ps: TPC, love the title modification.. ;D  ;)


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