Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - Apartment Block - 2008-14

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 :'( :'( :'( I'm just heart broken.  That family went through so much to get where they are and look what has happened.  Hopefully mom and dad can find a better nest site next year, I know they had to chose this place after their real home was demolished...airports are a bad place for our little ones.  :'( :'(

I just wanted to add that we have lost too many male peregrines as well. 

Oh noooo! To lose two of these beautiful juvies within three days is too much.

Vega was the last to fledge, on July 27. Below are a few photos of him by Mathew Rossi. In the first and second pics, Vega is on the right.



Mathew Rossi reported yesterday that Vega has been found at the same airport after a fatal collision with a building there.   :'(  This is so sad.  My heart goes out to all of the people there involved in the fledge watch and the other activities. 

What a shame to lose Spartacus. He was a gorgeous bird - and we can't afford to lose even one, especially when this has been such a bad year for them.

It is so sad to lose Spartacus - what a beautiful juvie he was. There have been far too many losses to collisions with planes.  :'(

Some photos of Spartacus by Mathew Rossi:




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