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Forum Clock & Changing Time

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The Peregrine Chick:
Going to try an experiment at 12 noon on Wednesday (so long as I don't get sucked into a meeting during lunch).  I am going to reset the server time. 

After 12:05 Winnipeg time, please reset your time on your Profile pages
Then post here on this thread
  a) if your time works
  b) what time you are setting your Profile to - your local time or Winnipeg local time

For reference, Winnipeg is CDT in Canada, -5 hours GMT/Zulu/UTC

Hmmm... I'm still a little confused, too, because my  'auto detect' only adjusts for one hour and I know I am two hours behind Winnipeg.  The times of the posts and my computer time still seem wonky.  The Look and Layout also says that the current forum time is only 17:13 and that's only one hour ahead of me and my computer which read 4:13 or 16:13, but it should be two hours difference. I don't know if it all really matters, but I do find myself trying to calculate whether someone posted just now or two hours ago!

Ah well, what's actually happening under our parenting peregrines on the live video feed is what really matters to me, regardless of the time...


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on May 26, 2008, 20:48 ---No probs everyone, its a new forum and there were bound to be a few things to tweak.

Just so you all know, I have set the server time to match Winnipeg local time, just so you know when you set your times.  The easiest way is to press  "auto detect".  It should detect your local time and there you are.  If you want to keep to Winnipeg time then put a zero in the offset.

Hmmm, did that description help or hurt ?

--- End quote ---

It helps in one sense - that auto detect gets the "right" answer now.  But it seems like Winnipeg should be 2 hours ahead, not one.  I used to live in Omaha, Nebraska, USA and we joked about the directions to Winnipeg being "head north and stop when you get to Winnipeg" so it should be the same time zone.  But I know I'm 2 hours off Omaha, so should be 2 hours off Winnipeg...

I'm confused.  But I have the right time on my computer, which tells me I should go to sleep so I can wake up and go to work in the morning!

LOL.  It helped, thanks.  I'll reset so I actually feel like I'm in the same city! 

The Peregrine Chick:
No probs everyone, its a new forum and there were bound to be a few things to tweak.

Just so you all know, I have set the server time to match Winnipeg local time, just so you know when you set your times.  The easiest way is to press  "auto detect".  It should detect your local time and there you are.  If you want to keep to Winnipeg time then put a zero in the offset.

Hmmm, did that description help or hurt ?


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