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Forum Clock & Changing Time

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The Peregrine Chick:
CST, MST then PST, so perhaps -1 instead of -2 bcbird ...

... however, if you ain't broke maybe just let the wheel keep rolling right over ya ....  ::)

My local time is listed as 22:44, which it is.
My hours from forum time says -3, and I would think it should just be -2 from CST to PST?

The Peregrine Chick:
I would ask that everyone check their "local" time on their profiles ...  I was checking something else and realized that my time (Winnipeg local) was showing as 1 hour later than it should on my profile page.  Don't have any idea why this happened, and maybe it's just me, but thought I would alert you all to it.

To check your time:

* log in to the Forum
* click on the "profile" tab above
* check the time on your profile with the time on your computer (bottom right corner)
To correct your time:

* stay on your "profile" page
* click on "look and layout preferences" link on the left hand side of your screen
* you can hardcode the change, or click on "auto-detect" and it should correct it (it did for me)
If you are having problems with changing the time, post them here and we'll try to solve them ...
The Peregrine Chick

Perfect!  Thanks, Tracy. ;D ;D

Hi Tracy,

I didn't check my messages before I went to work. So I'm a little late for the test, but it appears my time on the profile is correct, so here goes it is currently 20:39 as I write this.


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